Rachael Elwell: Drawing is fundamentally a pleasurable activity; therefore the act of drawing is the central theme to my practice. From the subtleties of a single intuitive hand movement to the rigorous systems and procedures employed to mark a paper surface, an impulse to challenge the act of mark making is pivotal to the creation of my drawings. My work focuses on the relationship between chance as an essential dimension of art, and an interest in control and structure in the composition of image making. When one influences the other the work is subject to chaotic and boisterous results. An engagement with traditional, inventive and whimsical procedures introduces randomness into the process of my drawings. The ability to open up to chance is triggered by a personal desire to set something in motion, an investigation into the unknown: chance does not recognise boundaries. My drawings have a sensitive awareness to the potential of change and the desire to move beyond what is immediately apparent. The resulting works escape from the confines of initial methods, systems and processes by their own action, that plays a vital role in the creation of a drawing. www.rachaelelwell.co.uk www.rachaelelwell.blogspot.com www.artyarn.blogspot.com