The C4RD Community is a register of people, their work, and a broad range of statements on drawing.

It is an opportunity for those who draw to have an entry page that describes their approach within drawing, with a photograph of their work and a contact address and weblink. The Community demonstrates the breadth of drawing approaches in recent drawing and brings an international drawing community closer together. The Community offers the opportunity for your approach and work to be shared with others on the web, and for community members to share dialogue with each other, and allows C4RD to become aware of your work.

To join the community please send 150 words about your approach to drawing in the main body of your email (phrased in the first person) and your work or drawing interest – please try to emphasise the drawing component (theoretical, practical or spectating), an image (jpeg, gif, png) of no more than 1 MB.

Please send 1MB image and 150 words text to: